Perplex and confound your friends with random would you rahter questions. Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.
Random Would You Rather Questions
Would you rather have many causal friends or one close one?
Would you rather have one wish that you could only use for another person and not benefit from directly or receive $500,000 after taxes?
Would you rather be unable to see for one day or unable to use your phone for one month?
Would you rather have your jaw wired shut for one month or eat a whole pizza in front of a starving child?
Would you rather have your own action figure or a wildly popular YouTube video?
Would you accept a life as a successful artist making 4 times your current annual pay if it meant that your art was considered offensive by one of the worlds major religions making you unwelcome in many countries and attracting unwelcome, often hostile, attention from people in your own county?
Would you rather attend Hogwarts or have a pet sasquatch?
Would you rather spend 48 under observation in a psychiatric hospital or spend two weeks cleaning the bathrooms at Miami International Airport?
Would you rather change any one decision from you past or have $40,000 free and clear?
Would you rather have all of your emails, for the next two months, be sent out "reply all" or have your jaw wired shut for a week?
Would you rather spend one month living without using any money or spend 3 months in a wheelchair?
Would you rather spend one year sailing around the world or one year living in the heart of London?
Would you rather share a toothbrush with a random stranger or kiss your brother/sister on the mouth.
Would you rather have your jaw wired shut for one month or eat a whole pizza in front of a starving child?
Would you rather have a vending machine eat your money and give you nothing in return or get stopped at every red light on your way into work?
Would you rather have someone bring you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning or be able to sleep in as late as you want?
Would you rather go back to a rotary phone or be unable to go outside in the rain?
Would you rather baby sit 3 month old triplets for 4 hours or go with out food and water for the next 24 hours?
Would you rather be wrong or undecided?
Would you rather have a best friend who knows everything about you and cannot not keep a secret or be unable to keep a secret yourself?
Would you rather have every detail of your love life made public or have the details of you finances made public?
Would you rather give someone a gift that is a truly bad gift or give no gift at all?
Would you rather have more than 5 friends or fewer than 5 friends?
Would you rather spend 48 straight in a public restroom or spend the next two month taking only public transportation.