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101 Would You Rather Questions

Life Lessons (would you rather) Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.

101 Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather, give up all alcohol for the next 30 days or have to butcher your own meat for the next 90 days?

Would you rather have a boring repetitive job that paid $90,000/year or an engaging job that you really enjoy but it pays $45,000/year?

Would you rather have the details of your romantic life be made into a hit sit-com or have every one you meet know your personal finances?

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

Would you rather have the details of your romantic life be made into a hit sit-com or have every one you meet know your personal finances?

Would you rather have a photographic memory or gain an extra 40 IQ points?

Would you rather stay in a luxury hotel free of charge for one year or have a chauffeur driven limousine free of charge for one year?

Would you rather have two tickets to this year's super bowl or two seasons tickets to the NFL team of your choice?

Would you rather have your first child when you are 19 years old or when you are 45 years old?

Would you rather have a photographic memory or be able to forget anything you wanted?

Would you rather be unable to see for one day or unable to use your phone for one month?

Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?

Would you rather go 30 days without refined sugar or 90 days without caffeine?

Would you rather be a highly paid professional athlete or serve as the president of a prestigious university?

Would you rather have a home with a great living room or a great back yard?

Would you rather spend one month living without using any money or spend 3 months in a wheelchair?

Would you rather have an ordinary home in an extraordinary location or an extraordinary home in an ordinary location?

Would you rather be able to lie without being caught or always be able to tell when someone is lying?

Would you rather be able to eat anything and any quantity of food with no negative health effects, or be refreshed and well rested after only three hours of sleep?

Would you rather have an extra hour every day or have $40 given to you free and clear every day?

Would you rather be the star player on a losing basketball team or ride the bench on a winning one?

Would you rather have an extra finger or lose a finger?

Would you rather write a best-selling novel or be an expert at picking stocks?

Would you rather have an ugly scare across your face or lose 15 points of intelligence?

Would you rather spend a night with no money on the streets of Pittsburgh or spend the same night in a house that is reported to be haunted?

Would you take up smoking for $30,000?

Would you rather share a toothbrush with a random stranger or kiss your brother/sister on the mouth.

Would you rather win the Nobel Peace Prize or have the $1.2 Million that comes with the prize?

Would you rather be the smartest person in your peer group or the most attractive person in your peer group?

Would you rather go on vacation any where in the world for on week or spend 24 hours with anyone in the world but be unable to leave your house during that time?

Assuming you wake up with no memory of the night before, Would you rather discover that you had lost $75 or discover that you had an extra $300 but have no idea what you did to earn it?

Would you rather fly on Air Force One with the president or have a minor reoccurring role on a popular television show?

Would you rather drink a bowl full of gravy or have a large spider caught in your hair?

Would you rather shave your eyebrows or accidently send a nasty computer virus to 1000 of your friends, classmates and colleagues?

Would you rather attend Hogwarts or have a pet sasquatch?

Would you rather look better in photographs than you do in person or look better in person than you do in photographs?

Would you rather spend the next week sleeping more than 12 hours per night or less than 4 hours per night?

Would you rather have a job as Jessica Beil's personal assistant or a job as the president of a prestigious university?

Would you allow a benefactor to pay off all of your debt if it meant that you could never go into any amount of debt in the future?

Would you rather have one year off at your current rate of pay or work your current job for a year at double your current rate of pay?

Would you rather give someone a gift that is a truly bad gift or give no gift at all?

Would you rather accidentally drop a hammer on your toe or accidentally drop a hammer on the tow of a complete stranger?

Would you rather have someone bring you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning or be able to sleep in as late as you want?

Would you rather receive a life time supply of meals from your favorite restaurant or a life time supply of gasoline?

Would you rather be able to see one year into the future or change any one decision from your past?

Would you rather lose your sense of taste and smell or lose your ability to distinguish colors?

Would you rather know with out a doubt the purpose and direction of you life or never have to worry about money for the rest of your life?

Would you rather have to leave the country you now live in and be unable to return or spend the rest of your life being unable to make more than minimum wage?

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Man's unique reward, however, is that while animals survive by adjusting themselves to their background, man survives by adjusting his background to himself. - Ayn Rand