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Unlike the thick inner volume of the pear head, this cheap hair extensions gives a feeling of warmth and beauty. When trimming, pay attention to the tail of the real hair extensions must be cut from high to low level, roll up and send it to have this effect. This hair style can be brushed out by a hair extensions dryer and a reel, and it is also possible to use no special hot.

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Ten Random Questions

Who taught you to swim?

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

What is the first thing you think about when you wake up in the morning?

Are you annoyed when other people do not "follow the rules" even if it does not effect you?

What was the worst punishment your parents ever enacted?

What restaurant do you go to more than any other?

What junk food is your weakness?

What is your favorite salty snack?

What is your favorite picture of yourself?

What was the last peaceful day you had?


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