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Random Would You Rather Questions

Perplex and confound your friends with random would you rahter questions. Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.

Random Would You Rather Questions


Would you rather have to leave the country you now live in and be unable to return or spend the rest of your life being unable to make more than minimum wage?

Would you accept the gift of being able to read other peoples mind if it meant that you could never turn it off?

Would you rather be humiliated by your best friend or go three months without talking to any of your friends?

Would you rather have someone bring you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning or be able to sleep in as late as you want?

Would you rather have a prestigious private college named after you or win a Pulitzer Prize?

Would you rather be completely indifferent to what other people think of you or have a completely and uncensored understanding of what other people think of you?

Would you rather spend the next year exempt from all taxes or have a one month paid vacation?

Would you rather have every detail of your love life made public or have the details of you finances made public?

Would you rather have nine children or never be able to have any children of your own?

Would you rather cook like a gourmet chef or sing like an opera virtuoso?

Would you rather stay in a luxury hotel free of charge for one year or have a chauffeur driven limousine free of charge for one year?

Would you rather have the details of your romantic life be made into a hit sit-com or have every one you meet know your personal finances?

Would you rather have great hair or the ability to cheer up any sad child?

Assuming that the pay is the same would you rather work as a statistician or as a childrens entertainer performing for kids under five years old?

Would you rather have your left arm amputated at the elbow or your right leg amputated above the knee?

Would you rather have to listen to someone else complain or have no one who will listen to you complain?

Would you rather be a highly paid professional athlete or serve as the president of a prestigious university?

Would you rather be rich of famous?

Would you rather, Work your current job for the next year at double your current rate of pay, or have the next year off at full pay?

Would you rather publicly embarrass your mother or be the reason why your best friend breaks up with their girlfriend/boyfriend?

Would you take up smoking for $30,000?

Would you rather be able to fly or turn invisible?

Would you rather have your first child when you are 19 years old or when you are 45 years old?

Would you rather spend a night with no money on the streets of Pittsburgh or spend the same night in a house that is reported to be haunted?

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We had seen God in His splendors, heard the text that Nature renders. We had reached the naked soul of man. -Ernest Shackleton