How many email addresses do you use on a regular basis?
If you had 10 minutes on a popular TV talk show, what would you talk about?
What is your earliest memory?
If you had one wish, what would it be?
What is the longest you have slept at one time?
What is the most generous gift you have ever received?
What restaurant do you love even though you know you shouldn't?
Are you a morning person or a night owl?
A new get to know you question every day. Join the conversation on facebook.
These questions come for multiple sources our contributors are our users. As such many of the questions assume that the questioner and/or questioned are at least 19 years old. However the vast majority are broadly applicable. All questions are family friendly and should not bring uncomfortable questions from younger children. Likewise the questions will not expand the vocabulary of those you children. Please uses these questions to improve the quality of time you spend with your family. If you are spending quality family time it makes it easier to spend quantity time with them as well.
Check It Out: LifeLessons, 10 Questions never to ask when buying a new or used car.
The greatest real thrill that life offers is to create, to construct, to develop something useful. Too often we fail to recognize and pay tribute to the creative spirit. It is that spirit that creates our jobs. - Alfred P Sloan