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Here are 25 Random Get to Know You Questions and Conversation Starters:

Where were you in life 10 years ago?

If you had an extra hour every day what would you do with it?

What does it mean to" be a man" in today's society?

When is the last time you worked out?

What is your favorite thing about summer?

What time do you wake up in the morning?

What lessons from the bible can you use today?

When was the last you where caught in a lie?

if you could live in any other country for 2 years where would you go?

If you could ask one person one questions and get a completely honest answer who would it be and what would you ask?

Where were you in life 5 years ago?

What do you have that is of great value to you but of no value to anyone else?

What do you think are the characteristics that make a good friend?

What cartoon did you watch growing up?

What book inspires you?

When are you at your best?

Who was your first love?

Would you ever want to live in London?

What College sports team is your favorite?

What time of the day would you like to be alone, and why?

How has the internet affected you life?

How do you handle rejection?

When was the last time you did volunteer work?

What goals do you have for your family?

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The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time. – Abraham Lincoln