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Random Would You Rather Questions

(would you rather) Classic dilemmas where you have to chose between two alternatives. All thought there is value in the answer to each of the questions the greater value is in why a given option was chosen. This format tends to appeal to guys.

Random Would You Rather Questions

Would you rather know with out a doubt the purpose and direction of you life or never have to worry about money for the rest of your life?

Would you rather obtain spiritual enlightenment and inner peace or financial independence?

Would you rather publicly embarrass your mother or be the reason why your best friend breaks up with their girlfriend/boyfriend?

Would you rather have someone bring you breakfast in bed tomorrow morning or be able to sleep in as late as you want?

Would you accept the gift of being able to read other peoples mind if it meant that you could never turn it off?

Would you rather have to wear adult diapers for one year or have any computer you touch over the next two months crash?

Would you rather survive the apocalypse or be instantly and painlessly killed by it?

Would you rather be able to stop time at will of age at half the normal human rate?

Would you rather go on vacation any where in the world for on week or spend 24 hours with anyone in the world but be unable to leave your house during that time?

Would you rather have many causal friends or one close one?

Would you rather drink a bowl full of gravy or have a large spider caught in your hair?

Would you rather change a foul baby diaper or not eat or drink anything for the next 24 hours?

Would you rather be wrong or undecided?

Would you rather be humiliated by your best friend or go three months without talking to any of your friends?

Would you rather have your left arm amputated at the elbow or your right leg amputated above the knee?

Would you rather go 30 days without refined sugar or 90 days without caffeine?

Would you rather have your jaw wired shut for one month or eat a whole pizza in front of a starving child?

Would you rather spend one year sailing around the world or one year living in the heart of London?

Would you rather be ''just friends'' with someone you love or marry an attractive person who does not love you?

Would you rather be unable to see for one day or unable to use your phone for one month?

Would you rather spend 48 under observation in a psychiatric hospital or spend two weeks cleaning the bathrooms at Miami International Airport?

Would you rather shave your eyebrows or accidently send a nasty computer virus to 1000 of your friends, classmates and colleagues?

Would you rather relive one random week of high school or watch the video of your own birth?

Would you rather speak in public for 30 minutes be with out your car for two days.

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The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other going in the opposite direction. – George Carlin