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Get To Know You Games and Icebreakers

Party Games, Icebreakers and Get To Know You Games

Unlike the thick inner volume of the pear head, this cheap hair extensions gives a feeling of warmth and beauty. When trimming, pay attention to the tail of the real hair extensions must be cut from high to low level, roll up and send it to have this effect. This hair style can be brushed out by a hair extensions dryer and a reel, and it is also possible to use no special hot.

Get to Know You Questions can make a fun party game or icebreaker. In many situations the questions are sufficient, but if you are playing the role of host/hostess you may want something a little more formal.

Here are a handful of party games.


Ten Random Questions


What is your favorite day of the week?

What goals do you have for your health?

What hobby or activity that you not do now but think you might like when you retire?

If you could have a drink with someone from history who would it be?

What single piece of technology makes your life easier?

What is the best invention during your lifetime?

What magazine do you look for when you are stuck in the waiting room?

When was the nicest meal you have ever eaten?

What was the fanciest wedding you have ever been to?

What was the most expensive party you have ever been to?


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