Entertainment Get To Know You Questions
Entertainment (Literature, Fashion & Music ) 
It is a natural human need to entertain ourselves. What we find entertaining and what we seek out to occupy or minds says a great deal about us. This category also addresses Fashion along with the more traditional forms of entertainment.
What band would you camp out all night to get tickets to see?
If you where an artist what medium would you work in?
What is the worst book you ever had to read?
What song typifies the 80's?
What song typifies the 60's?
What song typifies the 70's?
What song motivates you when you are exercising?
What song do you listen to when you are feeling sorry for your self?
What TV Show fires your imagination?
What TV show is the best to vegg out to?
What children's TV Show is the hardest to watch?
What celebrity crush have you had?
What high brow cultural activity do you like to participate in?
What "red-neck" activity do you like to do?
When you have out of town guests what do you show them?
What is the best home field advantage in sports?
What College sports team is your favorite?
What entertainment do you seek out?
What kind of puzzles do you like to do?
If you could be famous for doing anything, what would you want it to be?
Would you rather be rich of famous?
Would you want to be famous if you could not be rich?
What was the first book that made you cry?
Who is your favorite male movie star?
“It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”
–Dale Carnegie
What do you think about when there is nothing to think about?
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While living I want to live well. - Geromino