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Entertainment Get To Know You Questions

Entertainment  (Literature, Fashion & Music )         Entertainment

Entertainment  (Entertainment, Literature, Fashion & Music )
It is a natural human need to entertain ourselves. What we find entertaining and what we seek out to occupy or minds says a great deal about us. This category also addresses Fashion along with the more traditional forms of entertainment.

If you life had a sound track what song would you pick for it?

What music do you and you father have in common?

What music do you hate?

What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?

What is your favorite book?

What was the last sporting event you went to?

If you where in a Rock N' Roll band, what would your job be?

What song was unique to your family growing up?

What song do you sing in the shower?

What movie can you quote word for word?

What Olympic sport would you like to try?

What would you want your last words to be?

What song do you have memorized?

What song defines your childhood?

If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?

What comic strip do you like to read?

What cartoon do you still like to watch?

What cartoon did you watch growing up?

What was the first concert you went to see?

What book have you attempted to read several times but have never been able to finish?

What song typifies the last 24 hours of your life?

What is the worst song to get stuck in your head?

What song do you love to dance to?

What was your most embarrassing hair style?

It is easy for an individual to be paralyzed when asked for the best, favorite, or ultimate of anything. Our advice is to relax. You will not be asked to hold to this opinion for the rest of time. It is more accurate think of it as your favorite ___________  at this moment .  Count on your answer changing. But in the mean time toughen up and pick something. In the event you find it impossible to pick just one give a list of favorites.


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