Random questions from the 1000 plus get to know you questions in our library.
Here are 25 Random Get to Know You Questions and Conversation Starters :
If you where to teach a class what would you teach? What would you like to add to your life? What was your favorite TV show growing up? Do you get along with your parents? What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you? What was the last seminar or training that you attended? Who do you admire as a leader? When in your life have you been shown mercy? If you were going to skip one meal which one would you prefer to skip? What food is too much work for you to eat? If the money was the same what job at your current company/employer would you want? What comic strip do you like to read? Is there anything that you absolutely refuse to do under any circumstances? What is your favorite way to get exercise? What book have you attempted to read several times but have never been able to finish? What is the coldest you have ever been? How old should a child be when they learn about money? In what ways are you misunderstood? When you where a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? What part of your life do you need to take more slowly? How many pairs of shoes do you have? How many is too many? How would you like your family to commemorate your life? Do you believe in life on other planets? If you could go on a vacation anywhere in the US where would it be?
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Check It Out: Humor : 99 Humorous , amusing and thought provoking questions and ponderables.
The atomic bomb made the prospect of future war unendurable. It has led us up those last few steps to the mountain pass; and beyond there is a different country. - J. Robert Oppenheimer