We have over 1000 get to know you questions.
How do you manage stress?
What is the biggest snowstorm you can remember?
When was the worst storm you where ever in?
What summer camps did you go to as a child?
In what ways are you a nerd?
How do you think the world will end?
What is the worst book you ever had to read?
Would you ever want to live in London?
If you were going to go into business for yourself what would you do?
When was the last time you witnesses "professional courtesy"?
What bugs you most about air travel?
Do you believe there are any Ethics left in business?
If you had access to a life coach what would you want to work on?
Is there any job you would want to work for 50 years?
Would you use pirated software?
Would you download pirated music?
What in today's society do you feel should be free but is not?
How much privacy would you like?
What time of the day would you like to be alone, and why?
If you are feeling sad, what food or meal would cheer you up?
What are the most common lies your peer group tells?
What do you think makes a person good-looking?
What do you think are the characteristics that make a good parent?
What do you think are the characteristics that make a good friend?

“It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”
–Dale Carnegie
What do you think about when there is nothing to think about?
Fun get to know you questions for all ages home

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Check It Out: Questions By Category (Work, Money & Finance) More than 100 questions on money and what we do or are willing to do to make it.