What is the most enjoyable thing you family has done together?
What do you think is beyond the stars?
What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?
Who is the meanest person you know?
Do you think "honesty is the best policy"? Why or why not?
Not counting your religion, which religions do you find interesting? Why?
If you could trade lives with somebody you know, who would it be?
What would you do if you were invisible for a day?
When was the last time somebody hit you?
Who do you think you are most like in your family?
When was the last time you had to vouch for a friend?
If you needed someone to act as a character reference for you who would you chose?
What friend could you turn to in a time of need?
If you had a ton of money how would it corrupt you?
What do you have an irrational fear of?
In what way are you irrational?
How important is it to you that you are on time?
How important is it to you that others are on time?
Are you annoyed when other people do not "follow the rules" even if it does not effect you?
Who is a woman from history that you respect?
What does it mean to" be a man" in today's society?
It is easy for an individual to be paralyzed when asked for the best, favorite, or ultimate of anything. Our advice is to relax. You will not be asked to hold to this opinion for the rest of time. It is more accurate think of it as your favorite ___________ at this moment . Count on your answer changing. But in the mean time toughen up and pick something. In the event you find it impossible to pick just one give a list of favorites.
Check It Out: LifeLessons, 150 questions you need to ask each other before getting married.
Electricity is actually made up of extremely tiny particles called electrons, that you cannot see with the naked eye unless you have been drinking. - Dave Barry