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What you talk about when there is nothing to talk about

We have over 1000 get to know you questions.

When have you make a bargain with god?

What in your life have you left up to chance?

When was the last you where caught in a lie?

When was the first time you quit a job?

When did you realized that Santa Clause was not real?

When was the last time you let a friend down?

When did you realized that you were smarter than your parents?

When was the first time you took responsibility for someone else's mistake?

Have you ever cried to get something you wanted?

Why did you break-up with your first boyfriend/girlfriend?

Who would you run into a burning building to save?

When was the first time you finished something really big?

When was the last time you left a bad situation?

What can you do to change the world?

When was the last time you finished something really big?

When in your life did you say "no" even though you really wanted to say "yes"?

When was the first time you realized you are good at your job?

Who was the first person who you cared more about their well being than your own?

What is the worst trip you have ever been on?

What was the first book that made you cry?

When was the first time you saw the ocean?

What is a small luxury that you treat yourself to?

What part of your daily routine can you not function without?

What piece of technology do you not own but would like to?


More Get To Know You Questions

“It isn't what you have, or who you are, or where you are, or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about.”
 –Dale Carnegie

What do you think about when there is nothing to think about?

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When preparing to climb a mountain - pack a light heart. - Dan May