Education Get To Know You Questions
Education (School & Education) 
Anyone will tell you education is important. It is the single largest indicator of finical and social success. This category deals with formal and informal education. It also addresses the unique relationships and interactions we have at school.
In what ways are you a philosopher?
When have you had an enlightening moment?
What is something you have that you want to share?
Has reading a book ever changed your life?
What was the last thing that made you feel like an idiot?
What would you consider the most influential book of all time?
What was the most interesting biography that you have read?
What was the most memorable class you have ever taken?
Have you ever been caught cheating?
What is the closest you have come to getting caught cheating?
What is the biggest indication that someone is a nerd?
What are two things that you consider yourself to be very good at?
If you could change careers tomorrow what would you do?
A tool for team building. In almost every corporate organization in North America there is at least a passing concern with team building. Corporate trainings begin with them. Executive off sites depend on them. There the benefits of corporate and organizational teamwork are self evident. The difficult part is building that connection. This can be done with a shared experience either in the present or in the past.

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It is not so much knowing when to speak, when to pause. - Jack Benny