These question are funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing. The questions outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own questions. These questions are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger readers.
Truth or Dare Question for Fun and Profit (Random Truth or Dare questions)
What feature of yours makes you self-conscious?
When have you seen sexual harassment in the work placement?
When has a lie come back to bite you?
Who are you in Debt to? What do you owe them?
Assuming every man/woman has their price, what is yours?
When is it acceptable to lose your temper?
In what way are you inadequate?
What dream/goal do you have that you have not shared with anyone else?
What prejudice do you harbor?
What would it take for you to become romantically involved with a coworker?
What makes you feel insecure?
When you are trying to impress people what personality trait do you hide?
If you could trade lives with any other player who would you chose. What hazards in your life would you have to warn them about?
Who in the room do you think will be the most successful 20 years from now?
When are you happy when you see someone else fail?
Which boy/girl would cause your parents to freak out if you brought him home?
When did you almost die?
What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?
When was an embarrassing time that you farted?
If you had to trade sweethearts with another player who would you pick?