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Truth or Dare (20 Random Truth Or Dare Questions)

These question are funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing. The questions outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own questions. These questions are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger readers.


Truth or Dare Question for Fun and Profit (Random Truth or Dare questions)

What is the worst sin you ever committed?

If you had to, who in the group would you vote off of the island?

How do you think you are going to die?

Who is a movie villain you find attractive?

If you could be invisible for one day what would you do?

Why did you break up with your first girlfriend/boyfriend?

What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?

What is a bad habit you have that would you like to break?

When was the last time someone saw you naked?

What was the most painful break up you ever had?

What would it take for you to become romantically involved with a coworker?

If you could trade lives with any other player who would you chose. What hazards in your life would you have to warn them about?

If you could trade lives with another player for one day who would it be? Why?

What is there about your boyfriend/girlfriend that embarrasses you?

Do you like kissing in public?

What story from when you where a baby are you most afraid of your mother telling your friends?

What action from you past would put you in jail if law enforcement ever found out?

When you are trying to impress people what personality trait do you hide?

When have you lost you dignity?

What music are you embarrassed about listing too?

More Questions  Random Truth or Dare Questions Truth or Dare Starter Game  More Truth or Dare  Rand Truth or Dare

Other Truth or Dare Resources

Truth or Dare Question for Fun and Profit (All Truth or Dare questions)
20 Random Truth or Dare Questions
50 questions guaranteed to embarrass any adult.
20 Most Popular Truth or Dare Questions
20 Funny Truth or Dare Questions for Girls
20 Embarrassing Truth or Dare Questions for Boys

100 Exciting and Slightly Awkward Dares
20 Embarrassing Random Dares
20 Most Popular Dares for Truth or Dare Questions

Play Truth or Dare with the Truth or Dare Starter Game

You may also want to look at our truth or dare game page.

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Check It Out: 50 Firsts, fifty question about life experiences and the first time you had them.


Contradictions do not exist. Whenever you think you are facing a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong. - Ayn Rand