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Truth or Dare (Random Dares)

Random jaw dropping dares, they are funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing dares. The dares outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own challenges. These dares are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger players.

I dare you to ...                                  reload this page

Pick your nose and show the results to the group?

Tape two paper/plastic cups to the front of your shirt.

Stand facing another player. Each player must reach out toward the other player and get as close as possible to the other player with out touching them. The player who first touches the other player must answer a penalty truth question.

Post "just finished watching sesame street and I think big bird is pregnant." to your facebook status

Touch your nose with your tongue. If you are unable to do this you must touch another players nose with your tongue.

Bite another players fingernail.

Give a piggyback ride to or receive a piggyback ride from another player.

Do the hokey pokey in the middle of a circle of players and sing the song that goes with it.

Boomerang Dare. For the rest of the game you must perform any dare you challenge another player with.

Place some food on a plate on the floor do push-up over the plate and eat a bite every time you go down.

Pretend you are a ballerina for the next 10 minutes.

Put on a blindfold and slow dance with a player. See if you can guess who it is by touch alone.

You must respond to any quest with "You bet, Governor" for the next 3 rounds.

Turn one article of your clothing inside out.

Get on all four and howl and bark at another player anytime they move or speak for the next 3 rounds.

Pick a player and make them laugh by whatever means you can. If you cannot make them laugh in 30 seconds you perform a second dare.

Blow a raspberry on the stomach of another player

Post a picture of your self on Hot or Not

For the rest of the evening wear a bicycle helmet. If a helmet is unavailable enlist the other players to help you fashion one out of cardboard, foil or whatever is available.

Do your best impress of a famous person for the next 5 minutes.

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Other Truth or Dare Resources

Truth or Dare Question for Fun and Profit (All Truth or Dare questions)
20 Random Truth or Dare Questions
50 questions guaranteed to embarrass any adult.
20 Most Popular Truth or Dare Questions
20 Funny Truth or Dare Questions for Girls
20 Embarrassing Truth or Dare Questions for Boys

100 Exciting and Slightly Awkward Dares
20 Embarrassing Random Dares
20 Most Popular Dares for Truth or Dare Questions

Play Truth or Dare with the Truth or Dare Starter Game

You may also want to look at our truth or dare game page.

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To me, clowns aren't funny. In fact, they're kinda scary. I've wondered where this started, and I think it goes back to the time I went to the circus and a clown killed my dad. - Jack Handey