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Truth or Dare (100 plus Truth Or Dare Questions)

These question are funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing. The questions outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own questions. These questions are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger readers.

Truth or Dare Question for Fun and Profit (100 plus Truth or Dare questions)

In your opinion, what is the most offensive word?

When has a lie come back to bite you?

When have you been wrongly accused of something?

What would it take for you to become romantically involved with a coworker?

Would you rather dump someone or get dumped by someone? Why?

When was the last time someone saw you naked?

What was the nastiest joke you ever played on someone?

When have you been caught picking your nose?

What is one question that you do not what to hear the answer to? Who would that be too much information about?

What is the meanest thing you have done on a date?

When have you seen sexual harassment in the work placement?

What is more important than money?

Who is there in your life that you would take a bullet for?

When in your life have you "gamed the system"?

When have you had a run in with the law?

If you could see 24 hours into the future what would you do with this ability?

When have you seen someone else steel something?

What is your best physical attribute?

Who in the room do you think would be a bad date?

Assuming every man/woman has their price, what is yours?

What talent do you have that is embarrassing to share?

If you will be given a chance to become invisible for one day, what would do with this ability?

If you significant other said it was alright would you cheat on them?

What prejudice do you harbor?

More Questions

Over 100 truth or dare questions. Truth or Dare question and dares for girls, boys, teens and adults. Check out our Truth or Dare Main Page and Truth or Dare Online.

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Of course it is the same old story. Truth usually is the same old story. – Margret Thatcher