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Truth or Dare (100+ Dares you will regret)

Funny and engaging if somewhat embarrassing dares. The dares outlined here can be used alone to play the game or can be used as a launching point to create your own challenges. These Dares are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger players.

I dare you to ...

Put on a blindfold and slow dance with a player. See if you can guess who it is by touch alone.

Go to the kitchen and eat something that is not meant to be eaten alone (like chili powder, pepper, etc).

You have to remain perfectly sill for one minute. Meanwhile another player is going to attempt to get you to move buy whatever means he/she can think of.

Become the slave of another player of your choosing for 10 minutes.

Go to the bathroom and change, you must "go commando" for the rest of the game.

Touch your nose with your tongue. If you are unable to do this you must touch another players nose with your tongue.

Go outside and run around, while screaming "I have lost my voice, please help me find it".

Name all seven of Snow White's dwarfs. Any you are unable to name in 30 seconds will be written on your arms, legs, belly or face by the other players.

Give a piggyback ride to or receive a piggyback ride from another player.

Call one person at random who you know and knows you ask them "When a cow laughs, does milk come out it's nose?"

Put an ice cube in your pants pocket and keep it there until it completely melts.

Have another player tie or tape your hands together for a minimum of the next three rounds. You must select a dare before you can be untied.

Put lipstick on another player but you are not allowed to use your hands.

Get on all four and howl and bark at another player anytime they move or speak for the next 3 rounds.

Have another player select a food from the kitchen for you to eat without the uses of your hands. (The messier the better.)

Act out a TV commercial of your choosing. Enlist the help of other players as needed but you cannot tell which

Pound your chest and do your best Tarzan yell.

Attach toilet paper to your shoe and keep it there for the rest of the game.

Poke someone you do not know on facebook

Go to the neighbors and ask to borrow an umbrella

Put on a blindfold and feel another players face, see if you can guess who it is buy touch alone.

Take an item of food from the refrigerator and kiss it passionately for 90 seconds.

Select another player and repeat everything they say for the next 3 rounds.

Pick your nose and show the results to the group?

Stand facing another player. Each player must reach out toward the other player and get as close as possible to the other player with out touching them. The player who first touches the other player must answer a penalty truth question.

Tuck in your shirt and drop an ice cube down your front. You must then perform a break dance until the ice cube shakes out or melts.

Take off your shoe and suck on one of your toes. If you are unable to suck on your own toe you must suck on another players toe.

Record a video of you singing any popular song that you know all the words to and post it to youtube

For the next person, who is not a player, that walks into the room give them a hug and refuse to let go.

Sit astride another players back or lap and peddle as if riding a bicycle. Pantomime an entire Tour de France style bicycle race complete with hill assents, passing other players and a triumphant finish. The performance should last at least two minutes.

Select another player and describe in detail what you would have them do if they were your slave for the next hour. What would you have them do? (The selected player must then accept or reject the offer to become your slave.)

For the rest of the night begin everything you say with "All hail Queen Nefertiti."

For the rest of the evening wear a bicycle helmet. If a helmet is unavailable enlist the other players to help you fashion one out of cardboard, foil or whatever is available.

Login to your favorite video game and allow another player to do whatever that what with you account for 3 minutes.

Place both your hands in another players pockets and keep them there for 15 minutes. You must each perform a dare before you are allowed to remove them.

Have another player tie you ankles together and keep them tied for 10 minutes.

Update your facebook or other social media status to read looking to engage the services of a professional matchmaker.

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Other Truth or Dare Resources

Truth or Dare Question for Fun and Profit (All Truth or Dare questions)
20 Random Truth or Dare Questions
50 questions guaranteed to embarrass any adult.
20 Most Popular Truth or Dare Questions
20 Funny Truth or Dare Questions for Girls
20 Embarrassing Truth or Dare Questions for Boys

100 Exciting and Slightly Awkward Dares
20 Embarrassing Random Dares
20 Most Popular Dares for Truth or Dare Questions

Play Truth or Dare with the Truth or Dare Starter Game

You may also want to look at our truth or dare game page.

Over 100 truth or dare questions. Truth or Dare question and dares for girls, boys, teens and adults. Check out our main Truth or Dare Main Page.

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Every great and deep difficulty bears in itself it's own solution. It forces us to change our thinking in order to find it. - Neils Bohr