Below you will find a pairing of a random Truth or Dare question with random dare. You can use this as an arbitrator to play the game to give you ideas to make up you own Truth or Dare challenges. This should provide a good mix of the silly and embarrassing. These questions and dares are designed to address groups of teens through adults. There is no blatantly adult content but it is not suitable for younger readers.
Tell me the truth.
Have you ever let your brother or sister take the blame for something you did?
I dare you to
Brush your teeth and drink a glass or orange juice. If a tooth brush is not available get creative and use a carrot or some other item.
Game Description
Truth or Dare. A classic party game that gives players with courage and imagination a chance to shine. This game is popular with mostly with children, teens and college students. Although the nostalgia value makes it a great fit for older adults a well. This game is best with smaller groups where several of the members already know each other well. As with all games at GetToKnowU this games is depicted in a manner that appropriate for children and adults.
The game starts with one player starts asking another player, "Truth or dare?" If the queried player answers "truth", then the questioning player asks a question, usually embarrassing, of the queried player. The queried player must answer fully and truthfuly. If the queried player answers "dare", then the questioning player asks the queried to do something, also usually embarrassing. After answering the question or doing the dare, the queried player asks, "Truth or dare?" to another player and the game proceeds as before.
At any point the queried play my substitute a “truth” for a “dare” or a "dare" for a "truth".
The repetition rule is often used, not allowing players to choose "truth" or "dare" three times in a row. This increases variation for each player and makes the game more interesting.
The entertainment value of this game often comes form unexpected answers, and watching the queried player deal with an embarrassing and awkward situation. So it is important that the players are fair and everyone has a chance to be equally embarrassed.
Check It Out Twelve party games. Funny and entertaining party games of all ages. A good way to get to know your friends.
It is possible that Mount Olympus may have supplied the poets with the hint for saying that Jupiter obtained the kingdom of heaven, because Olympus is the common name both of the mountain and of heaven. - Lactantius