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Work & Finance Get To Know You Questions

Work (Work, Money & Finance) Finance

For most adults more of our waking hours are spent at work than anywhere else. Although we work to support the rest of our lives it forms an important part of our identity. In this section we deal with all things  financial. We also look at paid and unpaid labor.    

Is there any job you would want to work for 50 years?

If you needed someone to act as a character reference for you who would you chose?

If you had a ton of money how would it corrupt you?

What would be the easiest foreign country for you to make a living in?

When was the last time you felt like you had enough sleep?

When was the last time you were pleasantly surprised by a large corporation?

What was the last thing you got for free?

What is the worst kept secret at your work?

If you had next Monday off, what would you do with it?

What is the most money you have ever held in your hand?

If you where to teach a class what would you teach?

What was the last thing you wasted you money on?

What is the thing you like best about your work?

What hobby or activity that you not do now but think you might like when you retire?

What goes through your mind when your boss asks to talk to you privately?

What investment opportunity do you feel sorry you missed out on?

What was your toughest accomplishment?

What is your opinion of the stock market?

When has life beaten you down?

Where do you think the best place to invest money is?

What are the perks of your job?

What was the most expensive party you have ever been to?

When do you expect someone else to pick up the tab?

What was the biggest perk of any job you had?

These questions come for multiple sources our contributors are our users. As such many of the questions assume that the questioner and/or questioned are at least 19 years old. However the vast majority are broadly applicable. All questions are family friendly and should not bring uncomfortable questions from younger children. Likewise the questions will not expand the vocabulary of those you children. Please uses these questions to improve the quality of time you spend with your family. If you are spending quality family time it makes it easier to spend quantity time with them as well.


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I let no man drag me down so low as to make me hate him. - Booker T Washington