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Society Get To Know You Questions

Society (History, Traditions & Society) Society

We are a product of the environment we live in. It is only natural to question our society and how we relate to it. We will also examin how our society relates to the world at large. Questions on holidays are also categorized here.  We also address questions of law and societies through time.   

If you where a police officer for one day what would you do with the authority?

What hobby or activity that you not do now but think you might like when you retire?

Who do you talk to on the phone most often?

When do you have problems accepting criticism?

What are the limits in your life?

When in your life have you been shown mercy?

What makes a good teacher?

If you could bring one thing from the 1950's to the present day what would it be?

What changes do you find hard to accept?

What do you think Valentine Day should be like?

What have you learned about talking to women vs talking to men?

What have you learned about talking to men vs talking to women?

When did your mouth get you into trouble?

If you had 1,000,000 dollars to give away, how would you do it?

When has life beaten you down?

What are you grateful for today?

What are you grateful for everyday?

When have you had a small decision bring big consequences?

When was the last time you had to speak in public?

When have you had a small decision bring big consequences?

When have you embarrassed yourself in public?

What changes do you find hard the accept?

What was the fanciest wedding you have ever been to?

When have you seen history made either in person or on TV?

It is human nature there is one universal in conversation; everyone likes to talk about themselves. The secret to eliciting good conversation is to know when to talk and more importantly when to listen. It is impossible to listen during an awkward silence. Asking the right questions is the shortest path toward engaging conversation. As you ask the right question you illicit a response that strikes at an emotional core for you conversation partner. Additionally by selecting the question you have the ability to steer the conversation in a direction you will find engaging.


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