Our family and home do more to shape who we are more than anything else. It is only appropriate that we look at where we come from. This category covers our relationships with our parents and children. Also, our siblings and spouses and extend family.
What is your favorite lie that you have ever told?
How did your mother show love?
How do you express love?
How did your father show love?
When is it more important to listen than to talk?
When is it more important to talk than to listen?
Who do you wish was here?
Who do you turn to for advice?
Who comes to you for advice?
Is there a child you looks up to you?
Under what circumstances would you adopt a child?
Do you want a big family or a small one?
What was the worst punishment your parents ever enacted?
When does stress motivate and drive you?
Who would you be willing to donate a kidney to?
Who's what the last funeral you went to?
What is the next home improvement project you would like to take on?
What is your favorite winter activity?
What goal do you have that you would not share with your parents?
When was the last you where caught in a lie?
When did you realized that you were smarter than your parents?
When was the first time you took responsibility for someone else's mistake?
Who would you run into a burning building to save?
Who was the first person who you cared more about their well being than your own?
It is human nature there is one universal in conversation; everyone likes to talk about themselves. The secret to eliciting good conversation is to know when to talk and more importantly when to listen. It is impossible to listen during an awkward silence. Asking the right questions is the shortest path toward engaging conversation. As you ask the right question you illicit a response that strikes at an emotional core for you conversation partner. Additionally by selecting the question you have the ability to steer the conversation in a direction you will find engaging.
Check It Out: How To Make New Friends Going Back to School
I cannot think that we are useless or God would not have created us. There is one God looking down on us all. We are all the children of one God. The sun, the darkness, the winds are all listening to what we have to say. - Geronimo