They are called the formative years for a reason. Many insights can be gained from asking about someone’s childhood. These questions are anything to do with the year prior to what we current call adulthood.
What was the address of the house you grew up in?
How old where you when you got your first computer?
What was your first car?
What is your favorite song from a Disney Movie?
Who taught you to swim?
Who taught you to ride a bike?
What was your favorite bed time story as a child?
What was your first pet?
What is your favorite Disney Movie?
What do you hate the sound of?
What is your favorite childhood picture of yourself?
What activity did you used to do as a child but no longer do?
Where were you in life 5 years ago?
What do you love the sound of?
What makes a house a home?
What was your favorite childhood toy
What nickname do you have?
When was the last time you really laughed?
What was your first bike like?
What do you "know now" that you wish you "knew then"?
What summer camps did you go to as a child?
What is the nicest thing a friend has ever done for you?
Do you still like to play with your food?
What is one thing you like about being an adult?
The ins and outs of a first impression. It takes only five to ten seconds to make a first impression. This is where the need for a firm hand shake comes into play. In that time you can either say something interesting or you can give the person you are meeting the opportunity to tell you something interesting. If you are skilled at the art of conversation you can do both.
Check It Out: LifeLessons, 12 Questions to ask your teenager before they go to a party.
We know very little, and yet it is astonishing that we know so much, and still more astonishing that so little knowledge can give us so much power. - Bertrand Russell