Life Lessons - 101 Questions guaranteed to start a conversation with your teenager
How to talk to your teenager
All though there is nothing inherently wrong with questions like “how was your day” or “what did you learn in school today?” a parent can do so much more. It is a given that time for both parents and teenagers is precious and limited. These questions are designed to start a meaningful dialog between parents and their teenage children. These questions can help transform drive time and meal time into quality time.
101 Questions guaranteed to start a conversation with your teenager
Who do you admire as a leader?
Who are you most like in our family?
What is the best complement you have received ?
What movie can you watch over and over again?
If you were to write a novel what would it be about?
What is your favorite dessert?
If you had your own TV network what would you put on it?
If you could be any age what age would you choose?
What law is your peer group most likely to break?
Does your best friend call you his/her best friend?
What is the stupidest thing that one of your friends has done?
If we had an extra room in our home what do you thing we should uses it for?
What religion other than our own do you think is interesting?
What makes a house a home?
What poem do you have committed to memory?
Where do you what to live when you are on your own?
What is something you are really good at?
Who was the last person who had a crush on you?
If you needed someone to act as a character reference who would you chose?
Who do you turn to for advice?
What goals do you have for your education?
If we have guests in from out of town what do you think we should show them show them?
What was the last thing you lied about?
How would you describe your sense of fashion ?
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Not all questions will apply to all families. Some teens will be hesitant to answer some of the questions, this is natural and to be expected. A parent should be careful not to be judgmental or criticize the answers that their teenager gives. Listening with genuine interest will serve to keep the channels of communication open.
This set of questions is geared toward parents of teens. You may also want to see 75 Questions that will start a conversation with a teenager, which is designed for older adults to start a conversation with a teenager who is not their child.
Asking the right questions is more important than knowing the answer. home
Although nature commences with reason and ends in experience it is necessary for us to do the opposite, that is to commence with experience and from this to proceed to investigate the reason. - Leonardo da Vinci