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Library of Get To Know You Questions


25 conversation starters from our library

If you were going to skip one meal which one would you prefer to skip?

What quality about yourself do you most value?

What is the worst meal you have ever prepaired?

What do you were for pajamas?

When you are stressed out what do you do to relax?

What is the best thing and worst thing that has happened to you today?

What do you remember about your Grandfather?

What was the last charity you donated time, money or materials to?

When was the last time you played Truth or Dare?

What can a friend do that will make you feel special?

Why do kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

Did they have antiques in the olden days?

If quizzes are quizzical then what are tests?

If you had everything, where would you put it?

Why is it that bank will lend you money only if you can prove that you do not need it?

What was the last national park you visited?

What cause are you willing to fight for?

What was the first thing you learned to cook?

What book can you read over and over again?

What makes you feel young?

What was the last peaceful day you had?

When have you make a bargain with god?

What cartoon did you watch growing up?

What is the most valuable thing in your life?

What is one thing you like about being an adult?

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Above is a sampling of new and funny conversation starters from our library. This is a cross section taken from 1000 get to know you questions. Ideal from small talk and first dates. This is guaranteed from for new friends and old ones. This is a great way to waste time.

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Dignify and glorify common labor. It is at the bottom of life that we must begin, not at the top. - Booker T Washington