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25 Questions to ask on a first date

25 questions to ask on a first date and why to ask these questions.

What was the first concert you went to see?
     A fun variation on the questions “What kind of music do you like?”
What TV show are you embarrassed about watching?
      A question that is simultaneously fun and deep level question with the potential to build common ground.
When was the first time you say the ocean ?
      A variation on the “Where did you grow up” question and even if they have never seen the ocean it is a story in and of its self.
What do you know how to say in a foreign language?
      Everyone knows something in a foreign language and it opens many more topics of conversation
Have you ever been on TV or in the newspaper?
      Most people have been and it gives then a chance to relive a time when they were special.
What book can you read over and over again?
      A chance for them to talk about something they have an emotional attachment to. A chance for you to find out about them.
When you have out of town guests what do you show them?
     A good way to come up with activities for a second date.
Would you rather be rich or famous?
      A chance to for them to have a small daydream and for you to look at there priorities.
Why were you given your name?
      Every parent has a reason for naming there child as they do and every child ask this question.
If you had it to do over again what would you study in school?
      A deeper version of “what did you study at school” because it explores regrets.
What did you do to get pocket money as a child?
     Childhood questions are conversation gold. see Childhood Questions
Have you ever won a trophy?
      Most people have received an award and it gives then a chance to relive a time when they were special.
What was the first big thing you bought with your own money?
     This questions discuses values and achievements.
What was the last charity you donated time, money or materials to?
     This question showcases values and gives them a chance to brag.
What makes you jealous?
     This is a flirty question and a way to explore weaknesses.
Who is there in your life that you would take a bullet for?
     A good way to see who they put before themselves. aka Love
What is a piece of advice your mother gave you?
     A very nice childhood question with the potential to be fun and serious.
What song do you love to dance to?
     A fun variation on the questions “What kind of music do you like?”
Do you believe God has a sense of humor? Why?
     A light hearted way to discuss spirituality/religion? See starting a spirtual conversation
What smell reminds you of home?
     A nice way to introduce happy childhood memories.
What rule do you enjoy breaking?
     A flirty questions that gives the two of you a chance to explore boundaries and limits.
What was the first thing you learned to cook?
     Everybody has something that they like to cook. The makes a good suggestion for a second date.
If you had a million dollars to start a charity with, what would you do?
     An opportunity for then to show their giving side and you to discover what is important to them.
What do you believe will last forever?
     A chance to discover if they are literal and grounded or philosophical and a dreamer.
When was the last time you played Truth or Dare?
     A flirty question with that will usually have a good story attached. See Truth or Dare page
If you had to apply a label to yourself, what would it be?
     A chance to see how they see themselves.


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Remember to relax and have fun. Chances are if you are relaxed and having fun your date is also having fun.


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