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The Life Lessons Questions are a different set of questions than the Get To Know You questions. There is some significant overlap between the questions. Some of these questiosn will be less meaningful taken out of context. Here are some random questions taken from the Life Lessons set.

Here are 20 Random Life Lesson Questions :


What sacrifices are you willing to make for the one you love?

Who will be there?

Do you have any bills that are past due?

If you could have a conversation with someone from history who would it be?

What meals are you going to eat together?

If were given $1000 and told you that you had to spend it today, what would you buy?

Can you work with me if I do not have very good credit?

What topics are off limits or uncomfortable to talk about?

Would you rather win the Nobel Peace Prize or have the $1.2 Million that comes with the prize?

What is your favorite memory of time spent with your brother/sister?

If you had 2 days with no parental supervision, what would you do?

How can you have extra money sent to you if needed?

Are there any concerns with the safety of food and water?

If you had to teach something, what would you teach?

If it is after midnight and you do not want to go home yet, where do you go?

If you had to, who in your group of friends would you vote off of the island?

What family traditions are important to each of you?

What is your favorite thing about summer?

What was the nastiest joke you ever played on someone?

Who was the first person you had a crush on?


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I have also seen children successfully surmounting the effects of an evil inheritance. That is due to purity being an inherent attribute of the soul. - Mohandas Gandhi