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The Life Lessons Questions are a different set of questions than the Get To Know You questions. There is some significant overlap between the questions. Some of these questiosn will be less meaningful taken out of context. Here are some random questions taken from the Life Lessons set.

Here are 20 Random Life Lesson Questions :


Why is chocolate not considered a vegetable, since chocolate comes from cocoa beans, and all beans are a vegetable?

Who was your first sweetheart that you took home to meet your parents?

When was the first time you threw a party?

When was the first time people looked to you in a crisis?

Why is an electrical outlet called an outlet when you plug things into it? Shouldn't it be called an inlet.

If you had everything, where would you put it?

When was an embarrassing time that you farted?

Where do the two of you prioritize education?

If you had to live your life over again, what one thing would you change?

Whay do you park on a drive way and drive on a parkway?

Why isn't evaporated milk a gas?

What do you think about kids who use bad language?

If you had a year off with pay, what would you do?

When have your parents embarrassed you?

What do you do to let someone that you are interested in know that you like him/her?

Who will be there?

What story from when you where a baby are you most afraid of your mother telling your friends?

Would you rather be a highly paid professional athlete or serve as the president of a prestigious university?

What cheers you up when you are sad?

Is it a problem is if I am a little behind on my child support?


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I was born on the prairies where the wind blew free and there was nothing to break the light of the sun. I was born where there were no enclosures.